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Since 2015, Denver CALC has worked with neighborhoods and residents to make it easier and safer for everyone to access biking, walking and transit in Denver. We do this by collecting and sharing data with communities and decision makers, working with Coalition partners on events and programs, and providing education and training for community leaders on health and the built environment.


We've compiled our work, projects, resources, and more below. We hope that our case studies and lessons learned can help more communities walk, bike, play, and connect with each other. 

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Our resources are organized into the following categories. Click on each link to go directly to that category.


Our team loves working on creative projects with community residents to add ART to the public right-of-way. Some key projects around this include our work on intersection murals, which you'll see several references of below.

At Denver CALC, we love bikes! Here's some of our case studies around bikes, including our Fix-A-Flat toolkit that was launched in 2018, and more bike education and encouragement resources. 


We've turned many of our projects into case studies to share the how and why behind what we do. Case studies include goals, process, outcomes, evaluation, and tips & lessons. 

Case Studies

We've collected data about built environment conditions, health inequities, and community assets and resources. Check out this section for all things data, evaluation, and maps.