In 2023, the Micro-Grant program funded 114 projects with $152,414.77. To learn more about the program metrics and evaluation, scroll through the data dashboard available below.
How to navigate this report:
Use the "Report Navigation" buttons at the top to move to different pages in the report. Alternatively, you can use the arrows at the bottom to navigate through the pages one at a time.
To review the report in full-screen, select the diagonal arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.
Some textboxes have additional text beyond what is originally viewable - you'll see a scroll bar on the right side of the box. Use your mouse's scroll wheel while hovering over the box, or use your mouse to manually move the scroll bar.
Pages with multiple datasets can allow you to narrow the data selection. For example, on the "Applications" page, click on any portion of the pie chart to see the other data filtered by only that selection.
For data in tables, you can change the listing order to any columns available by selecting the column header. For example, on the "Project List" page, the table is sorted by estimated reach by default. To sort them by "Primary Neighborhood" instead, click on that header to see them sorted A-Z. Click it again to reverse the order Z-A.
For the two maps included in the report, if you would like to view them larger, click on the link icon in the bottom right corner of the map to navigate to a full-quality downloadable PDF map.