The Community Active Living Summit is a free, bilingual event on Thursday, April 26th, from 5-8 p.m. Join this event to share knowledge and inspire action toward safe, active, and healthy neighborhoods in Denver. We hope that this summit will sustain and move forward the work of the Denver Community Active Living Coalition, with a vision that all Denver residents have access to safe, vibrant places to walk, bike, ride transit, and play.
Learning Objectives:
Explore opportunities for projects, programming, and partnerships across sectors, health, and active living in various Denver neighborhoods.
Share resources, tools, and ideas for growing safe, active, and healthy communities.
Network and collaborate with decision-makers, implementers, and like-minded community members.
We are excited to feature a number of excellent local speakers, including an opening keynote by Norma Brambila from Westwood Unidos, and a closing keynote from Dr. Nita Mosby Tyler of the Equity Project, as well as several exciting sessions in panel, workshop, or walking formats. Read more below to find the session descriptions and featured speakers!
Register now for this free event to reserve your space! Includes free dinner, Spanish translation/interpretation, childcare, conversation, and more - register by April 16th.
Now accepting sign-ups to volunteer! Sign up here for one or more volunteer shifts (approximately one hour). Volunteers can attend the summit outside of their volunteer shift(s), and will receive free dinner and a small gift. Register for the Summit on Eventbrite as a volunteer.
Tentative Agenda:
4:00 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.
Optional Pre-Conference Happy Hour
Appaloosa Grill
5:00 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Commons on Champa
5:15 p.m. - 5:25 p.m.
Opening Keynote & Welcome
Keynote Speaker: Norma Brambila, Westwood Unidos
Emcee: Christian Steward, Be Real Fitness
5:30 p.m. - 6:10 p.m.
Breakout Session 1 (pick your session)
Panel: Programming to Increase Walking & Biking
AnaClaudia Magalhaes, Safe Routes Coordinator, DDPHE
Mo McCanna, Bicycle Colorado
Norma Brambila, Westwood Unidos
Ryan McCann, Denver Public Works
Description: This panel session will focus on four different programming and infrastructure efforts in Denver to share and discuss how community residents and organizations are working to improve biking and walking options in Denver. This session will cover safe routes to school programs, youth bicycle maintenance and riding classes, grassroots community organizing, and bicycle parking programs.
Learning Objective: Attendees will learn of four different programming efforts and discuss opportunities for improving biking and walking access for kids and families across Denver.
Workshop: Data - How to Collect and Use it for Positive Change
Moderator: Djuana Harvell, beWell Health and Wellness Initiative
Sam Valeriano, beWell Health and Wellness Initiative
Jill Locantore, WalkDenver
Description:This small-group session will cover different types of qualitative and quantitative data already collected in the Metro Denver area around health and active living. This session will focus on discussing methods for data collection, how to ensure that organizations are collecting relevant and meaningful data that can inform policy change and decision-making.
Learning Objective: Attendees will be able to name several methods of qualitative and quantitative data collection, and learn how to incorporate data collection and dissemination into their future projects.
Workshop: Youth Engagement & Positive Youth Development
Moderator: Joslyn Hernandez, CDPHE, Youth Advisor
Shane Wright, Groundwork Denver
Rachael Durham, EC^2's
Lorin Scott-Okerblom, CDPHE, School Health Specialist
Description: Take a sip from the fountain of youth! This small-group session will cover youth-focused organizations and strategies for engaging young people in Denver’s communities. This session will focus on sharing lessons learned about engaging young people, tips and tricks for youth empowerment, mobilizing youth in the community, and developing meaningful relationships to meet those goals.
Learning Objective: Participants will be identify the values in positive youth development in their own communities, and develop skills and tools to utilize when engaging young people.
Walking: Sustainability Scavenger Hunt Photo Walk
Taylor Moellers, DDPHE
Maria Rose Galter, Walk2Connect
Description:This walking workshop will take you out into Downtown Denver with walking leaders to talk about the relationship between sustainability, resiliency, and the built environment, using a photo scavenger hunt.
Learning Objective: Participants will be able to identify several aspects of the built environment that relate to sustainability, resiliency, and health, and get a nice walk!
6:15 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.
Dinner & Networking
6:50 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Breakout Session 2 (pick your session)
Panel: Health in All Policies & Vision Zero
Peter Manetta, CALPHO
Jill Locantore, WalkDenver
Kimberly Ford, RTD
Dr. Nita Mosby Tyler, The Equity Project
Moderator: Michele Shimomura, DDPHE
Description: This panel session will cover topics of health equity and health in all policies as it relates to transportation, including Vision Zero, community organizing, and transit equity. This session will focus on moving forward conversations of equity in community engagement, health, and transportation planning.
Learning Objective: Attendees will be able to identify specific ways that transportation affects health, and explore existing or potential policies that can improve equity in transportation and planning.
Workshop: Civic Engagement & Leadership
Moderator: Shyretta Hudnell, beWell Health and Wellness Initiative
Jessica Vargas, WalkDenver, Project Shift
Benzel Jimmerson, Family Leadership Training Institute
Description: This small group session will feature rich discussions about how organizations, non-profits, and other groups can engage and empower community residents to become civic leaders and agents of positive change. This session will focus specifically on developing leadership, civic engagement and policy advocacy around topics of physical activity, public transportation, social justice, health equity and the built environment. Learning Objective: Attendees will learn and be able to describe various approaches and strategies to engaging residents, communities and organizations in civic engagement and leadership opportunities.
Workshop: Pop-Up Projects & Multi-modal Planning
Dan Raine, Denver Public Works
Critter Thompson, Critter Thompson Consulting
Moderator: Piep Van Heuven, Bicycle Colorado
Description: This small-group session will feature various approaches and discuss the process of multi-modal street design, from pop-up projects to final design and implementation. The session will cover different perspectives, projects, and feedback on pop-up projects and multi-modal planning in Denver.
Learning Objective: Attendees will learn from existing grassroots and city-led efforts and strategies for collaboration and community engagement for safer, more inclusive street planning.
Walking: Food Access Walk & Talk
Lindsay Saperstone, DDPHE
Maria Rose Galter, Walk2Connect
Description: This walking workshop will take you out into Downtown Denver with walking facilitators to discuss the relationship between the built environment and food access. Participants will learn about Denver’s innovative strategies to increase food access, including the Healthy Cornerstore Program and mobile grocers.
Learning Objective: Participants will be able to identify how healthy food access and the built environment relate, and will learn various tools for increasing food access in Denver.
7:40 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Closing & Thank you
Speaker: Dr. Nita Mosby Tyler, The Equity Project
8:10 p.m. - 9:00
Optional Glow Walk!
Maria Rose Galter, Walk2Connect